Tuesday, November 14, 2006


Are you interested in horoscopes? Im talking about scientific issues related to horoscopes, not reading your luck in the daily newspaper. I actually don’t believe in the fortune telling based on the horoscopes; but I do find it interesting that each horoscope has its own and specific impact on the person’s personality. Some people might disagree with me, and I totally respect their opinion. However, I made a small research, and came up with this summary for each horoscope’s personality:

The Aries person seeks adventure and has unusually high energy level. Pioneering, Aries will be the first to take a risk.
Aries are also very dynamic persons and can easily draw attention to themselves when they enter a room. Make no mistake, an Aries person will be on of the first to risk their life to save yours, and also the first to get really mad at you for putting yourself at risk in the first place!
Money and fame many times find this zodiac sign, and lots of famous people share your sun sign. Don't be surprised if the Aries in your life has big dreams and plans for a bright future.

You will most likely enjoy being around someone born under the Taurus astrological sign. They are extremely patient people, and are very reliable. If a Taurus person tells you they are going to be there, or do that at a specific time and manner, it is highly likely that you can count on that to happen!
These warmhearted, loving individuals care very deeply for the people in their life. You will also find the Taurus zodiac sign surrounded with pets, because this is a major outlet for their loving nature. These folks also tend to be outdoors types, and enjoy hikes and biking, getting in touch with nature.
Very persistent, a Taurus person will have the "stick with it" to get the job done. You will very seldom find them goofing off or shirking their responsibilities. Unlike other zodiac signs, Taurus is not so big on taking risks though, and needs lots of security in their life. You will find the Taurus investor playing it safe, even at the expense of increased profits.

Adaptable to almost any situation, you will find Gemini to be one of the most versatile people you have ever met. They tend to overcome obstacles and are great puzzle solvers. This zodiac sign can make the most out of any bad situation.
The people that fall under this astrological sign tend to be communicative. They can really articulate well. You will find that Gemini's will tend to lean toward careers in media or communication of some type.
The brains in the family usually, these folks seem to have a lot of smarts! If someone in the crowd might know the answer to that crossword puzzle question, or jeopardy question, this is the person to ask!

Emotional sometimes, Cancer sun sign people tend to be some of the most caring people in our world. They are very loving and value family and friends over fame or fortune. You will always find this loving person with a dear pet of some sort.
Extremely intuitive and imaginative, these people make great artists and designers. You will find them where ever there is a need for creativity and flare. Never underestimate the scope of their imagination either.
Cancer people are very protective and sympathetic to those around them. They are very capable of "feeling your pain" whether it be physical, financial or emotional. They will help out too, as long as it is clear they are not being taken advantage of.

Leo is a generous soul, the kind of person that would give you the shirt off of their back. Always has a smile, this warmhearted individual will be the first to boast your spirits when you are feeling down.
Broad minded, Leo will be willing to experiment and try new things. This can be a bit dangerous for them as they tend to take risks sometimes. A Leo person will be open to all kinds of suggestions and gets bored rather easily.
Always true to their love, you will seldom find a Leo cheating on their mate. Leo loves strongly, and will defend the honor of those that they love.

Sometimes modest, and quite often shy, Virgo can be one of the most difficult mates to "land". It is not that they are playing hard to get, it's not that they are not interested, it's the shyness. Oddly, the more they like you, the shyer they behave around you! You won't find the modest Virgo "flashing" anyone in the near future.
Very reliable and punctual, those born under the Virgo sun sign will be easy to count on. They will help you out in a pinch and do things for you that go above and beyond the call of duty. You will find that many war heroes are Virgo since this astrological sign is really big on courage.
Extremely practical and diligent, this person can be counted on to not over indulge or get addicted to things too readily. Extremely intelligent, many scientists and mathematicians are Virgo.
The Virgo likes to analyze things and are not comfortable until they figure out all angles of the problem they currently are focused on. Virgo will make great stock brokers, financial advisor or any things else that requires deep thought.

This zodiac sign would make a good judge, lawyer or politician. Their ability to be tactful and diplomatic in all circumstances is admirable, and a typical Libra trait. This is the one you turn to when you really need to figure out some social or workplace issue.
Candle light dinners, walks on the beach, soft moonlight on a summer's night. These are the things that a Libra treasures because this is one of the most romantic of the signs. You can win the heart of a Libra by doing simple things, like flowers and cards.
You won't find Libra sitting out all the dances that's for sure! Very easy going and likeable, you will find Libra's company a pleasure to enjoy. Even though they are outgoing, they are also surprisingly peaceful and calm of spirit.

The sun sign Scorpio is one of the most powerful astrological signs in the zodiac. Dynamic and forceful, they make excellent leaders. This is what they do best, lead. They are very determined and forceful, and do not accept failure as an option. It is not a good idea to get on Scorpio's bad side!
Only one thing hurts Scorpio, and that is their tendency to be emotional. However, being extremely intuitive, it helps them deal with this, and even gives them a physic edge in some situation. They live hard and love hard, and give their hearts fully and unconditionally.
Powerful, passionate, exciting and magnetic, these people also make some of the best sales and marketing gurus when they decide to enter this field. They also do well as stock brokers and financial advisers because they are not afraid to question anything, and look outside the box and think creatively.
Scorpio does have a problem with jealousy sometimes, and they really do have to work on it. Most of them will require proof before actually accusing, but some will go with their instinct. Since they are so intuitive, sometimes they "know" without proof, so if you are with a Scorpio, stay true or get out, because your secret (if you have one) will not stay secret for long.

Very optimistic, this astrological sign is always looking on the bright side. You won't find Sagittarius singing the blues very often, as they are very good at seeing the silver lining in the clouds!
Extremely capable of making you laugh your head off, Sagittarius has a legendary sense of humor. Always the life of the party you can count on Sagittarius to make your party a hit.
Very honest and caring, you are safe with a Sagittarius. They will never think of doing dishonest things, and they will not tolerate it around them. A dramatic sense of honor about them adds mystery and grace to their personality.

The practical and prudent Capricorn sun sign will be the first to tell you if your new idea just does not make common sense. They are great refiners, taking people creative ideas and fine tuning them, adding direction and practical application.
These people are very ambitious and disciplined. They will climb the corporate ladder steadily, and with honor. You can count on them to get the job done and to go well above and beyond the call of duty.
They show extreme patience when dealing with short tempered people. They can listen to a long winded rant and still stay cool and calm.
They have a very good personality, and have a great sense of humor. Capricorn's humor is more a sarcastic and dead pan type humor, but works very well because they have what it takes to pull it off.

One of the most friendliest people you will find, The Aquarius sun sign is the one you can count on to stand by your side and comfort you when you are feeling blue. They are good listeners, and care deeply for their friends. To people they are not close to however, they can be somewhat detached.
You can also count on this astrological sign to be loyal and trust worthy. Very seldom if ever, will they give into temptations that would betray a loved one. The Aquarius sun sign is true blue and loyal. They are one of the first to sign up to serve their country, and will give their lives defending it.
They can be counted on to come up with original ideas. They make good designers and inventors as well as musicians. These intellectuals excel in the arts as well as the technical trades.

The very imaginative and sensitive Pisces zodiac sign will be among the very best artists and story tellers there are. They can feel in depths and levels that ordinary mortals can only imagine.
They are very loving people and are a bit more sensitive then the other zodiac signs. Be careful when dealing with the Pisces you are in love with, because absent minded comments can sometimes cut them deep.
A Pisces person will be one of the first to help you when you are down. They are charitable and honest, willing to do anything for their fellow man. They hate suffering and you will find them active in charities and other activities that help those in need.

What do you guys think now?


Anonymous said...

i agree with you this is kind of true..Im a taurus and it actually matches with my personality.

and life goes on... said...

Oh i like what's written about Geminis... most of the times they just keep talking about the bad side, but with this there's no bad side at all ;)