Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Being an Auditor

Those two weeks have been so hectic… work and work and work… nothing more actually...
Since I'm an auditor… our work season starts now… we have to audit 2006’s financial statements for banks, telecommunication companies, insurance companies… etc…
Well actually I'm not annoyed about working under so much pressure… I have no problem with leaving each day (including weekends) at 9 pm and having no social life (since this is temporary!) but what I have a problem with… is that after all what u do… u don’t get enough appreciation… I work so hard… I put so much effort… I try my best in all areas and aspects… and when I ask my supervisor to revise my work… he’ll just say: tayeb… why do u make such a big deal out of it…
Ok fine… no problem with me.. I will not make any big deal out of it… but when the manager calls me later on… and wants me to close some review notes… when I'm already assigned to another job…what am I supposed to do?? from where am I supposed to get time… I don’t know do they think we are robots or what!!!
And what makes it even worse… is when u get welcomed by a client by saying: “m3 i7tirami il shaded ilik… bas hay awal marra btiji modagiga tdageg 3alay”… SO???
But actually sometimes being an auditor gives you a high self esteem in front of others… I remember once telling a person that I'm an auditor… his reaction was: “3ala rasi min fog sitti”… hehe I just felt like telling him: “ahk law te3raf il 7a2ee2a il morra” ;)


SUS said...

Abu shakuush... the problem is ya reit il rateb hal ishi il fazee3!! they even bi7amloona jmeeleh that they are giving us experience and thus there's no need for the good salary... so what can i do!!!!!

Malak said...

Suuus bas ana i used to review ur work and give u review notes and ashouf eza tsakaro or no ;)!!!and u know sus that u should not the fact about the SALARY :)
3adi sus btomro2..and remember not to wait for appreciation in this life from many people..don't put high expectations on people..they will disappoint u..